When the eyelid turns inward, a condition known as Entropion, the eyelashes scratch the surface of the eye. Generally affecting the lower lid, Entropion can cause eye pain and irritation, excessive tearing, redness and light sensitivity. If left untreated, the condition can cause some vision loss and possible permanent damage to the cornea. Most commonly occurring as we age and the eyelid tissues and tendons become stretched out, Entropion can also occur in children. Other causes include scarring or trauma.
Surgery is suggested for long-term resolution to reattach the loose muscle and tighten the eyelid tendon. This outpatient procedure is normally performed under local anesthetic and possibly light IV sedation. Following surgery, you will experience minimal discomfort and some swelling and bruising, which should be gone within two weeks. Most patients can resume normal activities in one to two weeks.